Mr. Mohammad Waseem
BSc MB ChB FRCS (Tr & Orth)

Mr. Waseem's practice provides a comprehensive upper limb and trauma service. He has been fellowship trained in trauma and upper limb surgery. He has trained in three regions, Manchester, Yorkshire and Wessex. The fellowships included an upper limb fellowship in Wrightington and 14 months as an upper limb registrar in Southampton. The trauma year was spent in Leeds and Hull. There were two overseas fellowships during this period; a travelling fellowship to University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland for training in micro-vascular hand surgery; and a trauma travelling fellowship by AO in Germany.
Mr. Waseem is a keen teacher. He lectures nationally and internationally on trauma and upper limb surgery. He has been a member of the Court of examiners for the Royal College of Surgeons of England examining in the UK and overseas.
Mr. Waseem was an nhs consultant from 2003 to 2023. Now he is practicing in the private sector only where he is available at Spire Regency, Circle Alaxandra, HCA 52 Alderly Road.
Personal Profile
Mr. Waseem is a keen sportsman and has played a number of sports to a fairly high level. However, a number of personal injuries have led to his interest into sports injuries and rehabilitation. Mr. Waseem plays cricket and writes children's books. He speaks English, Urdu, Punjabi, Hindi and Spanish fluently and is learning Serbian and French.
Academic Qualifications
- Dec, 1987 MBBS
- Mar, 1988 BSc. Med. Sci
- May, 1996 FRCS England
- Dec, 1996 ATLS Certified Provider - RCS and ACS
- May, 2001 FRCS Tr & Orth Eng
- June, 2002 ATLS Certified Provider - RCS and ACS
Present Appointment
- Consultant Trauma and Upper Limb Surgery
Macclesfield District General Hospital
Membership of Societies
- British Orthopaedic Association - 1997
- British Orthopaedic Trainees Association - 1998
- British Trauma Society - 1997
- British society for Surgery of the hand - 2001
- British Elbow & Shoulder Surgery - 2003
- European Federation of Orthopaedics and Traumatology (EFORT) - 2003
Awards and Travel Grants
University of Lancaster - 1998
I received this grant after devising a tool for Abductor Pollicis Brevis strength measurement. A prospective double-blind study on abductor strength in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome was then started. This is still ongoing and now has 176 patients. The preliminary results have been presented on both sides of the Atlantic: in UK, in the British Society of the Surgery of the Hand, in USA, in American Academy meeting.
Wishbone Trust Grant - 1999
In 1999, I visited and worked at Zurich University Hospital. This was for a period of one month with Professor Viktor Myer in the Department of Plastic & Hand Surgery. I gained valuable micro-vascular surgery expertise by using the hospital's animal lab. (Micro-vascular surgery training) £600.
AO Travelling Trauma Fellowship
I have been awarded an AO fellowship 1700 SF for November 1999. I visited a busy trauma and upper limb clinic in Oberhausen in Ruhr district of Germany. There I observed and took part in polytrauma and upper limb fracture management in a tertiary referral centre. My experience in the regular use of AO equipment by percutaneous means was also refined by this experience. This was for a six-week period.
Fellowships in Training
Trauma: Hull/Leeds 1 year - Sep 2000 - Sep 2001
This was done in the year five of my training and involved regular trauma management at hull and Polytrauma and Pelvic trauma management at Leeds. Leeds also provides a tertiary referral service and I worked as a trauma fellow with Professor RM Smith (currently Professor of Trauma surgery in Howard University Boston, USA. In Leeds I also learned computer assisted orthopaedic surgery. This was used in pelvic fractures and osteotomies (CAOS).
Upper Limb: Wrightington Sep.01 - July 02
I have been lucky enough to spend ten months in Wrightington Upper Limb unit as a fellow. In this world renowned unit, I was exposed to a full spectrum of upper Limb surgery. This included Paediatric work at Royal Manchester children hospital and Alderhey. In Wrightington I was exposed to arthroscopic and joint replacement surgery of all upper limb joints. A large part of this was revision joint surgery and tertiary referral work. I also gained Plastic surgery experience by working for John Stilwell.
There is also opportunity to take part in new ground-breaking research and evolving techniques. My arthroscopic skills have been enhanced considerably in this short period of time. Apart from adult elective upper limb surgery there is paediatric and acute trauma experience to be gained. This included Paediatric work at Royal Manchester children hospital and Alder Hey. This post was an ideal opportunity for someone like myself to acquire and polish my skills for a future practice in upper limb surgery. I took part in new and ongoing research and honed my skills further in bio-skills lab. This unique lab work culminated in discovering one new ligament and a new approach for radial head surgery.
Upper limb senior Registrar Southampton 14 months
My position at Southampton university hospital was a further opportunity in training myself towards an upper limb & trauma career. This was a busy trauma centre and my last 14 months of training were divided in two parts shoulder and elbow/ hand firm.
Research Interests
- Surface Shoulder Replacement
- Thumb CMC Joint Biomechanics
- Carpal Instability
- Percutaneous Fracture Fixation
- Elbow Instability and Complex Fractures
- Radio Ulnar Joint Reconstruction
Current Research
- CMC Joint Instability
- PHILOS Plate Fixation of Proximal Humerus Fractures
- Treatment of Acute complex Elbow Fracture dislocations
- Capsular shrinkage in Mid-Carpal Instability
- Sulcus view in Cubital Tunnel
- Steroid injection in treatment of CMC Joint Osteoarthritis
- Single layer vs double layer Rotator Cuff Repair
- Efficacy of Wrist Arthrogram
- Slap tears and Arthroscopy vs Arthrographic findings